Nirvana The Nirvana Broadcast Collecti  
Category: Music Release: 28/04/2017 Label: Parachute Unit: 3Format: LP EAN: 0803341509658


    A1 - Intro
    A2 - Drain You
    A3 - Aneurysm
    A4 - School
    A5 - Floyd The Barber
    A6 - Smells Like Teen Spirit
    B1 - About A Girl
    B2 - Breed
    B3 - Come As You Are
    B4 - Lithium
    B5 - Territorial Pissings
    C1 - About A Girl
    C2 - Come As You Are
    C3 - Breed
    C4 - Polly
    C5 - Lounge Act
    C6 - Love Buzz
    C7 - Lithium
    D1 - Smells Like Teen Spirit
    D2 - Territorial Pissings
    D3 - Rape Me
    D4 - Heart Shaped Box
    E1 - Radio Friendly Unit Shifter
    E2 - Drain You
    E3 - Breed
    E4 - Serve The Servant
    E5 - Rape Me
    F1 - Heart Shaped Box
    F2 - Penny Royal Tea
    F3 - Scentless Apprentice
    F4 - Lithium
    F5 - Endless Nameless

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The Nirvana Broadcast Collecti

3 LP



15 - 30 days / 95%